Workers’ Compensation Lawyer San Diego, CA

How Paperless Workers' Compensation Authorization Can Speed Up Treatment in California

California workers' compensation attorneyFor many injured workers, filing a workers' compensation claim and undergoing medical treatment can be a drawn-out and painstaking process.

Many injured workers want to recover as quickly as possible and go back to work. However, when medical treatment is delayed, their injuries and job-related health conditions can worsen, making it less likely they'll recover in a timely manner.

In addition, the overall cost of recovery is even greater, which can put a financial strain on many businesses.

However, that may soon change in California.

Slashing wait times for medical treatment

New State Compensation Insurance Fund software designed to authorize patient treatment in real-time through electronic medical records is being tested statewide. If this software is implemented, it could speed up the claims process by significantly cutting the approval time for medical treatment. Patients who are covered by State Fund could be approved for treatment while waiting in the exam room.

That's exactly the purpose Dr. Dinesh Govindarao, chief medical officer for State Fund (the second-largest statewide workers' compensation insurer), has in mind.

“If the system is more efficient and patient care is rendered faster," he said. "Then folks are hopefully getting back to work sooner, and that will then really reduce indemnity cost (for disability pay).”

The software, called UR Connected (developed by Conexia), can pull an injured workers' medical information already existing in a healthcare provider's system. This saves the time and effort of obtaining and filling out paperwork offline.

State Fund is a California workers' compensation insurance provider that covers approximately 110,000 policyholders statewide.

Never proceed with your claim without an attorney

If you have been hurt on the job, a medical evaluation and treatment is absolutely critical to your claim. It provides evidence regarding the nature of your injury and can prevent your condition from worsening. In turn, prompt treatment can help you recover and get back to work quicker.

Before proceeding with your claim or seeking medical treatment, it's crucial that you discuss your matter with an experienced workers' compensation attorney. Attorney Robert A. McLaughlin will ensure that all paperwork is filled out correctly and the insurance provider responsible for issuing benefits doesn't abuse any legal loopholes that could hurt your claim.

Contact McLaughlin & Sanchez, based in San Diego, today to get started.

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